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August 4, 2011

New system installed

The long-planned and long-prepared new system has been finally installed to replace the aging old hardware which had often observed unexpected recording terminations after 5-years of its continuous operation.

The hardware specification is found in the previous page. Initially, the new system still used old Hauppauge analog TV cards to record analog cable signals that were converted from digital by the cable TV company. The old software was used without changes.

Remarkably, the new system shows far superior performance numbers to the old one.
  • Ffmpeg transcoding is 6x faster
  • File transfer over the Internet is 4 times faster (look at the speed chart on right). 
Then, about 4 months after the new hardware installation, I finally succeeded in capturing and view digital TV broadcast all in digital.


Real-time streaming of live TV programs broadcast in Japan is now available for both PC and TV (with a Google TV STB).

I will follow this up in the Japanese version of this blog.

Stay tuned.


  1. Hello,
    I am wondering if you managed to watch live tv with you system

  2. Hello,
    Did you manage to stream live tv?
    I am using the PT2 tuner, but could not manage to make BonCamera work,
    please let me know if you managed to use it

  3. No. Live TV streaming is not my goal.

    1. I succeeded in implementing live streaming TV watching. Please visit the Japanese version of this blog at
