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January 2, 2011

Analog System Screen Shots

Here are some screen shots of the web interfaces of the recording server and the home central server.

Recording server portal

The web interface is compatible with all known commercial TV guide sites. There used to be a few more sites available, namely Yahoo! and Nikkan-Sports, but they have terminated TV guide services. Sadly, goo, my most favorite site for its simple and easy views, has stopped providing iEPG in its site, so it's no longer usable.

Busy recording server

Now Rec'ing
Recording in progress

Waiting to be transcoded

Transcoding in progress

Ready for downloading

Downloading in progress

Scheduling a new recording and canceling a recording

The left pane is an interface to the recording server's file-based database (described later). The right pane shows a commercial TV guide site or the scheduled recording chart. Clicking on an "iEPG" icon will spawn a simple dialog over the clock/calendar pane for confirmation of a recording (above left). Canceling an already scheduled recording is to click a link on the schedule chart (above right) or a link in the schedule table (below left).

Scheduled (but not yet started) programs and regular programs

Scheduled regular (daily, weekly) programs are periodically scanned and projected as individual recordings.

Each scheduled recording is periodically checked against its latest iEPG for updating the program title, program subtitle, casts, start time, and end time.

Recorded (and transferred) programs on Wizd NMP server

A Buffalo PC-P3LAN2/DVD network media player plays back recorded TV programs stored in a Linux-based home server. Program selection is point-and-click using an IR remote control.
A modified version of the Wizd media server program hides cryptic internal file names and displays program information retrieved from iEPG meta-data instead.

Playing back a recorded program on a 50" LCD RPTV

TV programs recorded at a 480i resolution are played back in 720p mode. The 720p resolution was chosen to display as much program information as possible with reasonable legibility on a large TV screen (see above). Quality is close to that of a good VHS VCR, with no jitter noise at all!

A simple survey showed that each week the server records and transfers an average of 45 TV programs totaling over 22 hours (approximately 23GB).

Recorded file management

A web interface running on the local home server manages recorded programs to (delete or archive).

Proceed to Specification.

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